Award-winning graphic novelist in Canandaigua

Cartoonist and author Phil Yeh will be at Wood Library in Canandaigua on Monday, November 6th to share his experiences in art and writing. During the 1970’s, Yeh was one of the first cartoonists to write, draw and publish a graphic novel based on original material, and is the creator of more than 80 comics and graphic novels.

In a 2002 issue of the journal Reading Today, Yeh said “a person can express his or her feelings with a pen, pencil, paintbrush, with a piano, guitar, or any instrument, in poetry, in song lyrics, in dance, in film, on stage–there are a million ways to express these feelings via the arts.”

The Graphic Novel Workshop at Wood Library is designed to inspire budding artists and writers to create their own works. Participants will have chance to work with Yeh and participate in the cartooning process.

For more information on the November 6th workshop, visit the Teen Lounge at Wood Library. Or contact Jenny Goodemote at 394-1381 or

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