Sora Digital Reading Libraries Expanded!

CA students and staff, have you added all the libraries to your Sora digital reading (and listening) account yet?

The OWWL Library System (aka the Pioneer Library System) has teamed up with the Finger Lakes Library System and the Southern Tier Library System to share their digital collections in Sora!

That means after you add those libraries to your Sora account, you’ll have access to:

Library # eBooks # Audiobooks
CA Library 1,700+ 3,600+
Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES 6,200+ (including comics and magazines) 900+
OWWL (Pioneer Library System) 23,000+ 12,000+
Finger Lakes Library System 10,000+ 6,000+
Southern Tier Library System 18,000+ 6,000+

Adding libraries to your Sora accounts is easy…

  1. Visit the Sora App and login using ClassLink if prompted.
    NOTE: This step is super-important: make sure you sign in to Canandaigua City School District FIRST (not BOCES)! This will make CCSD your “home” school district. 
  2. Go to the menu in the upper-right hand corner.
  3. Tap ‘+ Add Library’.
  4. Search for the library you want to add and tap ‘This is my library’. You can add all the libraries listed above with your CCSD account.
  5. You’ll see the new collection in Sora.
  6. When you tap ‘Borrow’ or ‘Place hold’ on an item, you’ll be prompted to sign in. Choose ‘Canandaigua City School District’.

(This video will walk you through the process, too — The Sora Digital Reading App: Adding Libraries)

That’s it! Once you add a library, you can borrow eBooks or audiobooks that are in that library’s collection!

NOTE: After you login, you won’t see as many titles as you did before you logged in. That’s because the Finger Lakes and Southern Tier library systems don’t allow outside patrons to place items on hold, so you won’t see titles that aren’t currently available. But there are still plenty of eBooks and audiobooks to choose from!

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