ALA Midwinter

The American Library Association’s Midwinter Meeting continues Monday in sunny San Diego, certainly a long way from the frozen wastelands of upstate New York. I’ve never been to an ALA conference, but I look forward to this particular meeting each year, because Midwinter is when all of the children’s and young adult book awards are announced.

Award announcements begin bright and early on Monday morning @ 7:45 PST — fortunately for those of us on the East Coast, we’ll be watching beginning at 10:45am. Live coverage will be provided via webcast — more details are available at the Youth Media Awards Press Center.

Some of the awards we are looking forward to are:

In addition, I am particularly looking forward to the titles on the Young Adult Library Services Association’s list of Best Fiction for Young Adults (formerly part of the Best Books For Young Adults). This list will be made available shortly after the close of the Midwinter Meeting. A list of nominated titles is available here. I am happy to say that most of the nominated titles are already a part of the CA Library collection.

The list of Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers will also be made available after the Midwinter Meeting. See the list of nominated titles here.

Will this be as closely watched as say, the Academy Awards, or even the MTV Music Awards? Sadly, no…but school librarians, and others who appreciate books and media for young people, can’t wait for those envelopes to be opened!

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